Thursday, January 14, 2016

Toad-Kissing Tessa

Dear Miss Lisa,
I'm in my early twenties but sometimes I feel like I'll never find my Prince Charming. I've kissed so many toads I'm getting warts. I've changed my hair, lost weight, changed my makeup, started watching the news to keep up with current events and no one online has asked me out in months. I joined every dating site that's free and all I get are winks/flirts, no messages wanting to talk.
What's else should I do?
Toad-Kissing Tessa

Dear Child,
You have your whole life in front of you and you're worried about being chained to a relationship right now? Are you insane?

It sounds like you've done a major overhaul, now get out there and show it off! Call your girlfriends and go see a movie, go to openings of new restaurants, go where the live music is, get away from the mirror and start living! Show off your new confidence. Step away from the computer and go find a warm-blooded person (male or person) to be with, it will do your ego a world of good to be stared at in person instead of worrying about someone messaging you online.

Of course I realize you are sitting at the computer reading this, so get up and get out!
Thatta girl! Make us proud!
*wipes a tear*

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