Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blindly Groping

Dear Miss Lisa:
I've been communicating with a girl on a dating site for a couple of days and she seems to be interested in me but I don't have the nerve to ask her for a date. How do you turn the messaging into a date?
Blindly Groping

Dear Blind,
Since this sort of question would imply that you are new to internet dating, I will keep my smart-aleck response to your name to myself. The short answer? Type this: "Would you like to meet for drinks? You name the place and time and I will be there."

She will either respond with a yes or no. The worst that can happen? She says no, but remember that it might be because she needs more time. Quality is worth the wait if you are truly looking for a mate and not a one-night stand. If you still lack the nerve, grab the bourbon or go to bed. After all, in the words of Scarlett, tomorrow is another day.

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