Thursday, January 14, 2016

Horoscope Help?

Dear Readers,
If any of you are like me...

Why, oh why are all the really good looking men born in May, which makes them a Taurus the Bull, which means they (the ones I've been with) have insecurities and need to control their women?  I don't read horoscopes, don't believe in all that mumbo-jumbo, I'm a God-fearing woman.  But there is just something about men born in May that never works out for me.  I always seem to be attracted to a tall, dark and handsome type and WHAM... I find out he's born in May.  What a bummer.

I always seem to be attracted to Taurus men without even knowing it at first.  The ones I've dated (and married the first time) were fun, always attentive to a fault, and giving of their time and talents or I wouldn't have fallen for them in the first place.  It's just that my personality type doesn't like, or rather, can't abide being "kept" by the ones I was with at the time which always seemed to be their moniker or M.O..

Don't get me wrong, not all Taurus's are controlling, any more than all Leo's (me) are vain - always needing the spotlight but have huge giving hearts.  *cough cough*  It's just that they tend to always head in that direction with ME.

In that 'horoscope' world, there are personality types that do better with only 3-4 other types and Taurus is bad for me.  I didn't always know this but wondered why the dating sites all ask for your birth month and ask if you are okay with having your 'sign' displayed.  It wasn't until I found a site that informed me that Sagittarius's are my 'best' mate (my 2nd husband that died was a Sagittarius) that it hit me like a ton of bricks.  OH, NOW I get it!  It also said that my type "gives excellent dating advice but has a hard time with it themselves".  My, my, isn't that interesting...

If you are like me and can't seem to understand why it never seems to work out with someone after it started out so well, this could be one of the reasons.  Just a thought to chew on from me to you, hope this helps!

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