Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Chance Encounter On The Slopes

Dear Miss Lisa,

I am interested in a boy.  Okay, not really a "boy" but he's a 50+ man, who has a good job, is fit, likes to fact, that is how I met him, on the ski bus to Steamboat last weekend.  He chatted with me a bit and we did have a dance at the dinner party.  My issue is how to make sure I got his attention and have him ask me out sometime.  We did not exchange numbers but the sneaky seed planter that I am,  (insert evil laugh) did get his google email and add to my contact list so that he will see my profile come across as "someone you may know" on the Facebook feed.  Any other suggestions on being subtle but getting noticed?  Any good "Voodoo" queens you know?


Subtle Sue

Dear Not-So-Subtle Sue,

I am impressed with your detective work and use of the internet to reach out to someone!  It is encouraging to think that someone could go to all that trouble to find us again after a chance encounter, right?!!

With the internet making finding someone so much easier, why not be bold and just write him since you already have his email?  The way I see it, if we don't want someone to find us, then we keep all of our personal information private.  If you were able to find him email address then all bets are off, in my way of thinking.  Go for the gusto!  Just be honest, and tell him that you couldn't forget him (the truth), you had a great time (the truth) and I'm sure if the roles were reversed we would be thrilled!  He could be shooting himself in the foot for not getting YOUR number!

If, on the other hand, you feel that being that bold isn't your style, find him on Facebook and private message him but don't 'friend request' just yet.  See what his response is, he could end up sending YOU the friend request!

Remember to google his name to see if there's anything out there that could be red flags.  If all else fails, let me know and we can certainly find a voodoo queen for a potion!

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